PrismaNero is a brand born from the visionary mind of Cristiano Cuicchi. Interior designer, Designer and Master of Art, who over time has been able to distinguish himself for his artistic abilities in the sector of design and construction of showrooms, fairs and museums. Driven by the desire to experiment with new artistic forms, he gave life to the creation of limited fragrances, paying obsessive attention to the quality of the raw materials.
I nostri profumi prendono vita in una delle Erboristerie più antiche Firenze, sorta all'inizio del 1700 nei pressi dell’Ospedale di Santa Maria Nuova. Secoli di esperienza, che hanno maturato una conoscenza delle virtù terapeutiche delle piante, delle radici, delle erbe officinali, e dei frutti, lasciando inalterato il potere delle inflorescenze e della natura.
La nostra missione è creare fragranze capaci di risvegliare ricordi e memorie assopite. Profumi artigianali dove la ricercatezza dei prodotti naturali si fonde con la volontà di sostenere il lavoro svolto solo da sapienti mani artigiane. Un laboratorio alchemico permeato di arte, poesia e musica che diventa un luogo d’incontro per gli appassionati di cose esclusive e ricercate.
PrismaNero trae ispirazione tra Nuovo e Passato, tra Chimica e Fisica, Alchimia ed Esoterismo, tra Materia e Spirito. Ci siamo ispirati all'antica arte Alchemica. L'arte della trasmutazione, che converte i metalli in argento e oro. Per riuscirvi, l'alchimista deve scoprire la pietra filosofale, che sotto forma di una "polvere" è in grado di realizzare questa conversione. L'insieme delle operazioni al raggiungimento di tale scopo è chiamato la "Grande Opera". Gli alchimisti hanno sempre ricercato il rimedio universale, l'elisir di lunga vita.
Prisma Nero è un brand unico nel suo genere, lontano dalla ricerca ossessiva della perfezione e più vicino all'esplorazione coraggiosa e all'innovazione audace. Invece di temere le imperfezioni, noi le abbracciamo, le sperimentiamo e le trasformiamo in opere d'arte.
Like true alchemists of emotions, we experiment, scratch, destroy, reconstruct, stain, laminate and cover with gold. Every step of our process is an act of transformation, an attempt to capture the authentic essence of man.
Crediamo che le ferite e le cicatrici siano parte integrante dell'esperienza umana. Sono il risultato dei nostri scontri interiori, delle sfide che ci hanno resi chi siamo. PrismaNero vede la bellezza in queste imperfezioni, le celebra come cicatrici d'onore che raccontano la nostra storia. Daltra parte pure Venere dea della Bellezza aveva sette difetti.
Riconosciamo che le ferite sono una parte preziosa della nostra storia e della nostra bellezza. Le trasformiamo in creazioni straordinarie, profumi unici che celebrano l'umanità nella sua interezza.
A long time ago, perfume was something that men needed to get closer to the world of spirits. The etymology of the word Perfume derives from "Pro", which means "to go towards" or to Favor and Smoke. Go towards the smoke. Smoke is the language of spirits, of the afterlife, the language of shamans and ancient Indians. We have completely lost this idea of perfume and over time we have replaced it with something that follows fashion, aesthetics, ephemeral pleasure. For the ancients, perfume was a serious matter. They understood man can find a connection with nature. The trees, the plants, the herbs, the roots, the flowers. Everything was connected. All was one. Even the great Italian genius Leonardo da Vinci dedicated part of his time to studying the art of perfumery as a science that allows us to preserve the essence of things. He himself is responsible for obtaining coloring substances, perfumes, oils, poisons from plants and flowers by experimenting with distillation techniques and the enfleurage technique, an extraction procedure that allows delicate flowers to be cold treated and their essence obtained. . The freedom to experiment, to choose, to move within unexplored and inaccessible territories. This makes us free beings. Like Ulysses who chose to live a life of discovery and adventure, until he completely lost himself at the limits of identity. Thus we land in the infinite territories of Nature, we choose the nuances, the notes, the emotions and we make ourselves free to create, design and investigate our identity.
We consider each fragrance as a self-expression of the Self. Distinctive and individual fragrances that help us to be reborn every day. We create perfumes that belong to us and then give them to our customers, who love, share and collect. It is uniqueness that truly makes artistic perfumery an art out of time. The fragrances obtained are original, just like the wearer. When we put on our perfume, the aromatic notes, mixed with the heat of our flesh create a poetry imprinted on our skin. Like a virgin canvas that is impressed in a time beyond the visible.
We love creating fragrances that we like to define as sacred. Powerful combinations that inspire us to descend into the dark chambers of our soul. The oils and resins in our fragrances are rare, precious and blended with meticulous attention. We care about quality. All our fragrances are Extrait de Parfume with 30% dilution. We place the same care in their presentation and in their custody, which we imagine as a casing, an external corpus.
In the PrismaNero online shop you can find all the welcome we could give you in person, following you step by step in search of your ideal fragrance, in line with your needs and aspirations. A journey that will lead you to discover the hidden meaning of essences through insights and mystical and philosophical concepts.
Since I was little, I have always been attracted to the mystery and magic of the world around us. While many were skilled builders, my passion was to disassemble, explore and reveal the hidden secrets of every object I came across. I didn't have a toy that I hadn't disassembled, and one of my favorite toys was the little chemist. Even today, I enjoy doing the same things, but with greater awareness. I discovered that behind every mechanism there is a form of alchemy, an intrinsic magic that governs our universe. This discovery is the basis of PrismaNero, a brand that celebrates art, curiosity and transformation.