The planet you have chosen is Mercury, so hail to you Mercurial, divine messenger. Your origins were generated at the beginning of the entire universe. Your appearance is twofold. You are Male and Female, Body and Spirit, Light and Shadow. You possess within you all positive and creative aspects alongside destructive and degenerative aspects, because within you you possess dual and contrary, paradoxical and ambivalent attributes, which contain all the good and all the bad possible. You are like a divine tear that is carried by the winds of the cosmos, fertile new planets, with your sperm. You are the beginning of things, because the memory of water and that of metal is preserved in you. You can be cure or poison, hell or heaven, thief or saint, demon or angel. Everything in you is creation and this is what makes you the perfect messenger. Every community has its borders, its sense of outside and inside, and you are there at the gates of the city or at the gates of life, ensuring that there is always exchange. You own the boundaries on which you draw social life. Every people constantly distinguishes right and wrong, sacred and profane, clean and dirty, male and female, young and old, living and dead, and every time you come, you will change and move that line and blur the distinctions. You are the bearer who embodies ambiguity and ambivalence, duplicity and duplicity, contradiction and paradox. You are the perfect thief or maybe you are a madman, you are the one who sets in motion unpredictable changes in life and stories. You do not create, but concrete, giving unpredictable aspects to creation, or, alternatively, it destroys the known world or the established order, creating a different one. You are the Prometheus, who steals fire, and with it the power to shape reality by creating a new one according to a will that doesn't even belong to you because it is Divine. In the whole universe you are known as the spirit of fire. You take on a human form of exceptional strength and beauty, but it is very difficult to have contact with you. You consider yourself superior to other creatures because you are convinced that you were born at the beginning of creation. This is why you suffer a lot because some Earthlings have found magic formulas capable of guaranteeing control over you. When someone asks for something you show an ironic and mischievous attitude and try whenever you can to misrepresent your master's orders. But you have no masters, except the one who created the whole universe. In Earth history and mythology, it is filled with your deeds. You manifested yourself as ʿIfrīt in Arab culture, Anansi in the myths of the African continent, Coyote in North America; Hermes in Greece; Eshu in Africa, Huehuecoyotl in Mexico, Kitsune in Japan, Kokopelli among the Navajo tribe, Loki in Scandinavia, Maui in Polynesia, Puck in Celtic mythology, Rudra in Vedic mythology, Thoth in Egypt.