Your Essence
Based on the evocative image you have selected, your essence is closely connected to the world of art, aesthetics, communication and the emotional sphere, in search of the sacred desire for intimacy. Under the constant influence of the search for a sensitive experience of beauty. A sensual, seductive image that arises from an intimate, introspective feeling, indicative of generosity and sacrifice, which makes us feel protected, pampered with sweetness and delicacy. Your nature is that of the aesthete born from the Greek word αἴσθησις, which means "sensation", and from the verb αἰσθάνομαι, which means "to perceive through the mediation of the sense". All this turns into an experience of listening, understanding, acceptance, empathy, thoughtfulness, attention, protection, affection, ability to nourish and unconditional love, whose first principle is represented by "life as a work of art". ; Everything in your universe is based on emotion which is also the seat of affectivity, impressions and sensations. Your nature is inextricably linked to perfumes capable of making you remember things you thought were forgotten. Warm and certainly erotic notes of Chocolate, soft and enveloping, permeated with soft Vanilla and embellished with the sweet and sensual notes of Caramel. Greedy notes that can be mischievous, sometimes transgressive, tender and delicate. Fire and pleasure are what drives you on your personal quest. You are excitable, passionate but also ambitious, strong-willed and determined, outgoing and energetic, sometimes stubborn, cunning, changeable, and extravagant. But your nature is warm and soft like a chocolate cake which, once opened, melts like red-hot lava, incorporating everything in front of it, until it cools and becomes stubbornly hard. Woody, balsamic olfactory notes, which smell of smoke, mandarins, maple leaves, chestnuts and hazelnuts. A nostalgic memory, which flows into something sweet and bitter, a vague and contemplative feeling of sadness, in the romantic vision of life and its natural element which is the earth that transforms, unleashes and cools down. The season that represents you most is winter which symbolizes introspection, spirituality, fragility and impermanence of life and death. This search for calm and peace which is dictated by the intimate need to seek balance. Your spices are cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, paprika, chili pepper, and Gingerbread.