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The stone you chose is Carnelian. The most valuable color is red-orange, more properly called Sardinian, also sardium or sardia or sardonic, due to the presence of iron oxides. If the mineral is subjected to slight heating, its color becomes more intense and then returns to its original color when the heat source is removed. The etymology Sardonica derives from the Greek σαρδάνιος to indicate a "bitter and sarcastic rice".  ; In the «Estense Lapidary», from the 14th century, it is described as a stone of three colours: white, black and orange-red, all light. Its translucent color is very varied. Some stones have an orange-red color, others golden and still others dark brown so much so that in the light  reflected they appear black. It is a precious stone and very ancient,  so much so that it is mentioned in several sacred texts. For the ancient Egyptians, carnelian was the red symbol of life, in fact it represented the blood of the goddess Isis, linked to specific religious practices, it had the task of accompanying the deceased during the journey to the afterlife, for this reason the gem is found on precious funerary pectoral of Pharaoh Tutankhamun. The depictions of the complexion of the goddess Isis were abian, ocher, black, and gold. Many sacred animals were also sculpted with this stone, such as the ram of Amun and the falcon Horus (symbol of the sun). In Buddhism it is one of the seven treasures and represents wisdom. For the Greeks and Romans it was considered a protective stone, which came directly from the gods. A gem venerated by Muslims, Carnelian is also known as the "Stone of Mecca", due to the Carnelian signet ring worn by Muhammad. African tribes also wore this stone to which they attributed aphrodisiac powers. In ancient India it was the symbol of power and fertility and was given to young women to arouse and reawaken passionate love. It was considered the stone of abundance. The color with which this stone is associated is fire, the color of the soil, trunks and trees. It represents the need for  protection, the nest, the home, motherhood,  simplicity, terracotta, materiality and comfort. It also represents mud and poverty.  This stone embodies the time that flows and changes every moment and puts us in relation with the past, asking us for a transformation. The energy that this stone emanates is that of an eggshell, which still needs to be cracked. We therefore need an inner strength, capable of letting go of past things to welcome future ones. There is therefore a fear of the unknown, a fear of growth and of taking flight. A hidden fear of leaving the old way to seek the new one. Past things weigh us down and tie us to a now lived reality. This stone is linked to earth and wood, which helps to give a sense of comfort and reassurance. It is a stone that recalls the desire for family and human warmth. Like its streaks, which represent the emotions sedimented in layers, and which emerge like veins, in the memory of ancient things. The essence of this stone transforms into smells of antiques, of leather and aged leather and of vanilla and chocolate. Characteristics commonly associated with this stone are stability and concreteness, sometimes counterbalanced by possessiveness and materialism. Since this stone is associated with fire, those who choose it have a purely physical and instinctive nature and  reacts to danger signals in an often exaggerated manner. In fact, this stone helps to calm an impetuous, impulsive and almost irrational temperament. Its power is to let go of excessive control. People who choose Carnelian love order, but their temperament is instinctive and competitive, which often turns into a revolutionary and reactionary attitude. This stone embodies the instinct of competition which often results in defending oneself with all possible impetuosity. Its streaks remind us  the need to take life more calmly and wisely. In fact, those who choose this stone have the urge to always want to be first and try their hand at any activity in life, filling themselves with projects that  often  he is unable to complete. Carnelian stone helps restore energy balance which has a "purifying" effect. Helps eliminate negative vibrations around people or their spaces. Carnelian is associated with the energy of power and well-channeled ambition. Similarly, he helps those people who do many things quickly, because he sees time as an enemy to be defeated. All this turns into a repression of the introspective desire for knowledge. This is why this stone teaches us to come to terms with time, old age and with wisdom. Due to its colors, carnelian is associated with the squirrel animal, due to its sensitivity to every vibration or very small sound it becomes the guardian of the place in which it is found. One of its peculiarities is that it signals a probable danger in advance. It represents foresight and purity as it sets aside what it needs but at the same time returns all that is in excess to mother earth. As with the Squirrel, the carnelian symbolizes having confidence in one's abilities and trust in others. In fact, it is one of the few wild animals that allows humans to get close. It thus demonstrates the need to overcome one's internal defenses and open up more.

In biblical texts this stone is associated with Reuben which in Hebrew "רְאוּבן", means "Behold, a son."

“Reuben, you are my firstborn, my vigor and the beginning of my generative power, the excellence of dignity and the excellence of strength. With reckless wantonness like waters, do not excel, because you have climbed onto your father's bed. At that time you desecrated my bed"


This stone therefore represents on the one hand the generative power and creative drive,  on the other that of rediscovering that wisdom and inner peace of  family warmth and sacred things. 

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