The stone you have chosen is Black Onyx. Black Onyx is a precious stone of volcanic origin, belonging to the Chalcedon family. The name of the onyx stone derives from the ancient Greek “onux”, it means "nail" or "claw" which recalls the hardness of the stone. It was appreciated during ceremonies and burials as a symbol of protection. It was an important element in the making of armor, shields and swords. It was in fact seen as an amulet capable of protecting its owner in battle. Due to its mysterious and impenetrable color, which refers to the unknown and the mysteries of humanity, black onyx has inspired many legends and beliefs. A legend has it that this stone originated from Cupid. The spiteful god of love cut Venus' nails with the tip of an arrow while she slept. He left his fingernails scattered across the desert sand. The Fates decided to turn them into stone, so that no part of the divine body would ever be destroyed and would remain immortal as well as its divinity. The reference goes spontaneously to Isis, Demeter, Artemis, Ceres, Cybele, Diana, the Matron deities. The ancient mothers of civilization are all epiphanies of a single primordial divinity: the Great Mother of the Earth, matrix of all things. In ancient Egyptian mythology she was the representation of Isis, goddess of magic, fertility and motherhood, while Osiris, her brother and husband, was the king of the underworld. In Egyptian religion, the figure of Isis was associated with the constellation Virgo, Scorpio. It is a relationship between Water and Earth. Virgo is under the influence of Mercury, while Scorpio is under the influence of Mars and Pluto. His Egyptian name was Aset, which provided the basis for the Coptic form ⲎⲤⲈ (Ēse) and for his Greek name Ἰσις, on which its modern name is based. The hieroglyphic name is composed of the sign of a throne, which Isis also wears on her head as a symbol of her identity. The symbol serves as a phonogram, but could also actually represent a link to the thrones. The term derives from the Greek θρὸνος (thrònos) and the Latin thronus, with the meaning of "that which supports", that is, "seat". In the developed form of the myth, Isis gave birth to Horus after a long pregnancy and difficult birth in the papyrus thickets of the Nile Delta. As her son grows, she must protect him from Set and many other snakes, scorpions, and diseases. Her efforts to heal Horus (Aria) were described in many spell books, which bought every patient with Horus, so that he could benefit from Isis' efforts. In some texts, Isis travels among humans and must seek their help. According to one story, seven lesser scorpion gods traveled with her and guarded her. They took revenge on a rich woman who had refused to help Isis by stinging her son and making it necessary for Isis to heal the guiltless child. Isis's reputation as a compassionate goddess who wanted to lessen human suffering contributed greatly to her image. Isis was often characterized as a moon goddess, she was also the patroness of seas and ports. Sailors left engravings invoking her to ensure the safety and fortune of their voyages. In this role she was called "Isis Pelagia", "Isis of the sea", or "Isis Faria", in reference to the islands of Pharos, site of the lighthouse of Alexandria. Connecting us to the symbols of colors, in a deeply spiritual key, black onyx is associated with black virgins. The dark color of Marian representations could be understood as the color of initiation into eternal life. It was commonly believed that life originated from black. Black is attributed a generative and fruitful potential since in the maternal womb we know darkness and prepare to meet the light. Black, therefore, not as an end but as a point from which light will arise and for these reasons the color chosen to represent the Virgin. The Mother of Christ, that is, the one who with her divine motherhood truly initiated us into a new life. Therefore, in the dark color of many Marian representations they find a symbolic sign of the supernatural world and a reference to the origin of life. Its colors are reminiscent of the Panther animal. Over the centuries and in different parts of the world, real powers and precise meanings have been attributed to the panther. Evoked in magical and religious rituals, it took on the functions of a protective totem capable of inspiring strength and security. In general, many of his symbols depend on his lifestyle. His refuge is in fact located in the heart of the jungle, thick and humid. Strengthened by its aggression and intelligence, it reigns supreme in its territory. The aura of mystery that hovers around this silent and invincible animal. A clear example is that of the Egyptians, who wore a panther tail in their ceremonies to ask for protection and self-control. Later the ancient Greeks connected it to the cult of the god Dionysus, who according to mythology was nursed by panthers. For this reason they are often depicted in the act of pulling their chariot. Among the American Indians it represented magic and self-mastery. The Amazons, for their part, associated his roar with the rumbling of thunder. The animal was consequently equated with the god of darkness, who by swallowing the sun became responsible for eclipses. Symbol of the night, the color of its coat further accentuates the sense of mystery that distinguishes it. It is also typically associated with the mother goddess, life and the moon, which is why it is a feminine symbol. Those who love to keep their secrets and care a lot about their private dimension. A further trait of the panther is linked to the fact of being a solitary animal. If it is true that puppies grow up in the company of their mother, when they become adults they begin a journey of solitude. The panther is thus the animal equivalent of the hermit. It represents the individual journey of understanding oneself. This journey to discover one's self also allows one to get closer to the secrets of life. For this reason, the panther is considered the guardian of the spiritual world in many cultures. Further proof is given by the fact that the panther hunts at dawn and dusk, moments full of magic, symbols of transition and passage. Today, black onyx is a stone considered suitable for those who need to increase their self-esteem and strength of character. It increases confidence and autonomy in dealing with life's problems, wards off negative thoughts and promotes optimism and enthusiasm. Black onyx represents the desire for rebirth, change, the deep connection with the cosmos and its laws.