Black Garden
«I turned to the right, and paid attention to the other pole, and I saw four stars never seen except by the first people.
The sky seemed to enjoy their flames: oh northern widower, since you are deprived of gazing at them!»
Welcome, researcher, to this backdoor.
A secret door that opens onto a secret garden of wonders.
In this site, there are many such doors,
each of which reveals an enchanted landscape, full of magic and mystery.
As an explorer, you have opened the door to one of our secret passages, and now you face a world of unique opportunities and discoveries. Each door represents a window to new knowledge, experiences and adventures. Our mission is not limited to creating fragrances capable of awakening memories and dormant memories, but also to offer an inner journey into unexplored territories. This concept is reflected in an ancient idea of elegance, a word that derives from the Latin "eligere ,” composed of “ex fra” and “legere,” which means to choose. Elegance is the result of a precise action: the choice, the election. It is an action without uncertainties, carried out by a thought that has developed its own idea of beauty in total autonomy. Elegance does not manifest itself in a showy way, but rather in the ability to harmonize perfectly with the context, clothing, posture and behavior. Elegance is a concept that harmonizes with beauty. Very different from luxury which instead represents ostentation.
We invite you to explore these secret doors, step through them with confidence, and discover the hidden treasures that lie beyond. Each door is a chapter in your personal adventure, and we can't wait to share with you every secret, every wonder, and every mystery you find.
Beyond these secret doors, where curiosity will lead you to explore, you will find not only products and special offers, but also anecdotes and thoughts that inspired the birth of our perfumes. Entering this space means entering the very heart of our creativity. Here, we will reveal the secrets behind some of the most loved fragrances. You will be able to discover the stories that inspired us, the environments that influenced us and the souls that guided us in the creation of unique perfumes.
Every page on this site is like a chapter in a storybook. You can find spells of knowledge, cross dragons of challenges and discover treasures of information. It's a place where your curiosity can flourish and your imagination can soar.
We are happy to have you here with us in this unique experience. May every door you walk through lead you to new horizons of knowledge and inspiration.
Secretly guard this word that we are giving you, it will help you to open another secret door:
Enter this word when you shop in our store and you will get a 5% discount on our products.
At our site, we believe in the art of discovery and exploration. Every word and every action you take here is a step into the unknown, an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep this word in your heart: "WISDOM" which will be useful to you on the journey you will face.
We invite you to explore these secret doors, step through them with confidence, and discover the hidden treasures that lie beyond. Each page is a chapter in your personal adventure, and we can't wait to share with you every secret, every wonder, and every mystery you find.
When the time comes, GO DOWN TO THE KRYPT and enter this magic word in the appropriate field and follow the instructions to unlock the next secret doors. What will you find beyond? This is a secret that will only be revealed when you reach the next stage of your adventure.
Ti ringraziamo per la tua curiosità e il tuo impegno nell'esplorare il nostro giardino segreto. Non vediamo l'ora di vedere cosa scoprirai e di condividere con te le sorprese che abbiamo in serbo. La tua dedizione è la chiave per aprire nuove porte, e siamo entusiasti di condividere questa esperienza con te.
The ancient alchemists based their theories on ancient knowledge that was mainly passed down orally. They often used symbols and signs to decrypt what some believed should remain hidden. It's fair enough to ask, why did it have to remain hidden? The simplest thing to think is that hidden things fascinate more and when we look for them they become a real desire for research for us. But not only that, finding something hidden is also a game. Like the ancient hide and seek or the Cops and Thieves. Two categories of people. The “guardians” are the guardians, who ensure justice, while the thieves, at least as we know them today, they are those who instead want to take something away from someone. The word thief derives from the Latin latro, “latronis”, derived, in turn, from the Latin latus, lateris which means side or side. Originally it indicated a person who walked alongside a person of a certain rank in order to protect him from possible attacks by ill-intentioned people. The ancient thief was a shoulder, someone who walked with you, but not only that, his role was to protect you. Today we could call him the Bodyguard. When in the game Cops and Thieves, someone manages to avoid being seen by the guards and reaches the command post, the word he shouts is: "Tana free everyone". Its profound meaning is to reach a lair, a hiding place, something profound and when he manages to reach it he manages to free everyone. This ancient game has its roots in Platonic philosophy. The allegory of the cave (The Den) explains how one becomes a philosopher, that is, how one acquires the knowledge necessary to govern the city well, freeing oneself from opinions and accessing knowledge of reality. He considers knowledge to be divided into two kinds: sensitive knowledge, which is acquired through the senses and is aimed at the world of becoming, and intelligible knowledge which instead concerns ideas, that is, the immutable and certain elements of the world. The first type of knowledge is doxa, opinion, uncertain and variable; the second instead is episteme, science, certain and stable.
At the beginning of Book VII of the dialogue, Socrates proposes an allegory to Glaucon. Imagine people who have lived since childhood locked in a cave, chained so tightly that they cannot even turn their heads. The cave has an opening that opens onto the outside, but the people who live there have their gaze turned towards the back wall, and cannot see the exit. Behind the prisoners, high up and away from them, there is a fire lit that sheds light. Between the fire and the prisoners there is a wall, long and low, like those that line country roads. Behind the wall, other people hold objects in their hands (statuettes of animals and men and other objects of all kinds) and make them protrude above the wall. The light from the fire therefore projects the shadows of the objects on the wall in front of the prisoners. Those shadows are the only things the prisoners have ever seen, forced as they are to stand there still, unable to turn around. So Socrates says those people believe that shadows are real objects.
At this point, Glaucon interrupts Socrates and comments:«strange image describes strange prisoners» (515a). In fact, it is an unusual image, we know of no cases of people who have lived chained since birth, forced at the bottom of a cave. Surprisingly, Socrates replies that the prisoners are"similar to us". We too have only known shadows, projections of real objects, because truly real objects, ideas, are not known as such by everyone. It takes a good philosophical education to get out of the cave of opinion and access knowledge and science.