The stone you have chosen is Topaz. In the book of Exodus it talks about how Aaron's breastplate was adorned with twelve stones, including topaz. These stones symbolized the 12 angels who protected the gate of Heaven. Some authors assert that topaz derives from topaz (search), because primitive peoples found it digging under rocks. The term Topaz could derive from the Greek litor praxior, meaning Borran stone. The Jews called it pitolach or pitedach, the Arabs called it tabarget. Strabo, an ancient Greek historian, says "this is what snakes and topaz say, a stone that is shiny, transparent and shining like gold, so much so that at midday, with difficulty, it can be seen". Often associated with loyalty and "love, this precious stone represents romance and eternal friendship. Its colors recall the harvest season and the fertility of life. It evokes images of organic things: the rich soil, the harvest of wheat, the sun that allows the ears to grow. This stone allows the individual to discover his depth and inner richness, promotes sincerity with others and with oneself and pushes to communicate emotions. It is generally called "the crystal of power" because, like the Sun, is able to increase, increase and bestow everything. Topaz is connected to the Solar Plexus, that is, the Manipura. It is the fulcrum of individual and collective well-being and represents willpower, efficiency and charisma. Topaz is the archetype of light that illuminates and dazzles, it is linked to movement, activity, exaltation, self-awareness, the revelation of one's "I". It contains within itself the affirmation "I am..I can", and acts on self-esteem and personal power. For the Hindu community, wearing this mineral close to the heart gives long life, beauty and intelligence. The ancient Egyptians believed that topaz protected against all negativity, associating the color yellow with the sun god Ra. Likewise, the Romans linked the mineral to the god Helios. The ancient Greeks resorted to it when they needed to restore their strength and to guarantee protection: they were convinced it could bring them closer to the divinities. The crystal is believed to be extremely energizing, being a hot stone. As a stone, Topaz is associated with self-satisfaction, an intimate awareness of one's worth, and confidence in one's ability to complete our goals and fulfillment. Those who choose this stone need to rebalance their energy, have difficulty listening to themselves and identifying objectives consistent with their aspirations. It can help you avoid total dependence on others, eliminating the need for consent. For example, those who have a low spirit of initiative and a low willingness to take risks, those who tend to react impulsively, and do not have a plan in life. Those who feel fragile and misunderstood and who often fall back into a behavior passive, this is your stone. Due to its effects on the psyche, Topaz is a stone particularly suitable for those who demonstrate practical and artistic. It gives access to their creativity and increases their appreciation of beauty. It is said to give the ability to see the bigger picture than the minute details, recognizing how they are related. On an emotional level, topaz is used to treat depression. It helps a person alleviate their fears and cures psychosomatic diseases. Balance emotions by helping those who go too easily from one extreme to another. It is recommended for the healing of a person who has suffered shock or trauma. Topaz is used in connection with material wealth. It is therefore a stone of good luck, which can help to achieve success. Topaz has a warm color, between red and orange and yellow and therefore linked to energy and vital force, which helps alleviate all digestive disorders, in particular abdominal swelling due to colitis and gives a sense of joy and positivity. It represents our roots, our ability to provide for our primary needs such as food, clothes, home, money and to feel in harmony with the Earth, nature. It represents the energetic center of creativity both in the sense of creating a life and bringing to light any new idea or thought by achieving a state of pleasure.