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The stone you have chosen is sapphire.  It is a variety of corundum, easily recognized by its bright blue or light blue color and is a precious stone of immense value.  This gem is made of aluminum oxide and can only be scratched by boron nitride or diamond. The word sapphire derives from the Greek term sàppheiros, which means "blue", but it could have origins from the Hebrew language and in particular, from the noun sappir, whose meaning is "the most beautiful thing".  while in ancient Greece the modern Sapphire was probably designated as "hyakinthos". Often called "stone of stones" or "stone of wise men". These stones, in fact, have always been synonymous with beauty, purity, inner peace, royalty, but above all wisdom. This last meaning has very ancient origins. In Jewish texts it is mentioned as Shappir "sapphire". Theophrastus in his writings gives an accurate description of this mineral, indicating its subtle individuality: the presence of "golden spots". Scientists of the ancient era, from their description of saprif, unequivocally identified it as lapis lazuli enamel. Lapis lazuli is distinguished by its opacity and fullness of dark blue color, and its best grades are characterized by a fine scattering of pyrite crystals filled with bright yellow light. This stone is also often mentioned in various ancient treatises. In the Bible alone, his reflection surpasses other stones and is mentioned 13 times. In the past, sapphire was also known as "the stone of Saturn", a deity who in astrology and ancient mythology was usually called the "Wise Old Man", by virtue of the wisdom attributed to him, corresponding to the Major Arcana of the Tarot “The Hermit”. This depicts the initiatory journey that the mystic takes by overcoming the tests that life places before him. Thus he acquires wisdom and spiritual experience. The signs associated with him are Capricorn and Aquarius, signs of water and air. The ancient Greeks wore Sapphire when they went to receive the auspices of the oracle of Delphi, sanctuary of Apollo (formerly of Mother Earth Gea), because they believed this stone was connected to the god and therefore capable of making the understanding of the Divine will easier. According to legend, it was precisely this stone that made the beautiful Helen of Troy so loved and desired. The famous ring of King Solomon was also created with Sapphire, on which the seal that allowed him to control demons was engraved. Furthermore, both necromancers and witches adored this mineral because it amplified their ability to listen to the oracles of the deceased and perform other wonders. It is very interesting to note that Sapphire, Ruby, Topaz and Emerald are considered the four precious stones par excellence and at the same time symbolize the powers of the four elements with their colors and virtues. Sapphire symbolizes air. The ruby, the fire, the topaz the earth, the emerald the water. In the Bible, the enchanting color of Sapphires was used figuratively to describe visions of God's glory: "under the feet of God was what seemed like a work of slabs of Sapphire, and in purity like the heavens themselves." In Ezekiel's visions he twice describes “the likeness of a throne” which was “like the Sapphire stone.” Again due to its color, Sapphire was linked to the concept of the infinity of the universe.  The ancient Persian people loved to define the Sapphire as "lazvard", literally "which has the color of the clear sky". In fact, they believed that the earth rested on an enormous Sapphire, whose blue reflection gave the color to the sky, so much so that also call the stone “the eye of the sky”. The sapphir stone is translated as sapphire and in the breastplate of Aaron represents the tribe of Zabulun. According to Hildegard, in natural medicine, a heated sapphire is useful for eye diseases, specifically for cataracts. If someone suffers from pain in the eyes, or if they are red, it is necessary to wet the stone with saliva and then pass the finger dipped in that same saliva on the inside of the eyes. Sapphire makes gout attacks completely disappear and extinguishes excesses of anger. It is used as a pain reliever and nervous system strengthener. It reduces fever and pressure and is effective in intestinal diseases. The sense of sight is closely linked to the ability to judge. The seeing of the eyes corresponds to the understanding of the mind and therefore the two faculties are closely connected. Consequently, in his psychosomatic vision, a bad state of mind can translate into a decrease in visual capacity. Sapphire, in this case, becomes a stone with excellent healing properties.

Jerusalem will be rebuilt and its temple will last forever in the city. Blessed will I be, if any of my descendants remain to see your glory and celebrate the King of heaven. The gates of Jerusalem will be rebuilt with sapphire and emerald and all its walls with precious stones. The towers of Jerusalem will be built with gold and its ramparts with very fine gold. The squares of Jerusalem will be paved with turquoise and Ophir stones.

(Tb 13,17)

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